Samurai Sword bags - something that you don't really think about or consider when you are buying your sword. When you are purchasing your sword, you are looking for that next great piece or the next work of art to add to your collection. Perhaps you are thinking of what Samurai Sword would be best to train with. (Paul Chen Sword bag shown here) You need to also consider how you will transport your sword and protect your investment. The answer - a sword bag.
When you purchase your sword, a great add on is a sword bag. They are especially great if you practice your forms in the dojo or you are training and you are going back and forth between places. The sword bags will easily protect your sword and keep it out of harms way. You can get some really beautiful bags and in many different colors.
There are also some great and stylish sword cases or boxes that will hold multiple swords so that when you are traveling you can carry more than one with you. You may have a few different swords you use for tameshigiri, or one for training and one for cutting practices. This way, you can bring them with you, protected and safe.
After all the time we spend looking for that special sword, we want to be sure we have them protected, after all, it is our sword and we take pride in them - I know I do! Be sure to check out the sword bags at SamuraiSupply.com and you can go to our home page and sign up to be a Samurai Supply Member and get an immediate discount coupon for your purchase! Buy yours today and keep your Samurai Sword protected!
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