Friday, May 22, 2009

Kogarasu Maru Style Blade

Since we have a great sword in our line called the Musashi Coud Dragon Katana - Kogarasu Maru, we thought we would explain a bit about the Kogarasu Maru. The Kogarasu Maru, or "Little Cros" is a unique Japanese tachi sword rumored to have been created by legendary Japanese smith Amakuni during 8th centrure CE.

The Kogarasu Maru is sometimes referred to as a Kogarasu Zukuri as the blade of the Kogarasu Maru was forged in the Kissaki Moro Ha Zukuri design. The Kogarasu Maru is unique as a bridge between the old double edged Japanese Ken (based on the traditional Chinese straight sword) and the traditional Japanese tachi and eventual katana.

The Kogarasu Maru was designed with a curved double edged blade approximately 62.8 cm long. One edge of the blade is sharpened in normal tachi fashion, but as the edge comes to a point the blade continues in the reverse direction back towards the hilt of the sword, similar to a European sword or a Japanese yari spear, but stopping midway. A singe bo-hi style groove runs down both sides of the blade to the hilt. The forging process yeilded a sugaha "straight" style temper line on both sides of the blade.

Please take a closer look at our Musashi Cloud Dragon Katana - Kogarasu Maru in our line of Musashi Katana Swords. Go to our home page and sign up to become a Samurai Supply Member and get an immediate discount coupon for your order! Why wait - own yours today!

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